Nutrition Tidbits

Wondering – can I increase my metabolism?

Weight is just one SMALL measure of overall health, but it is one that many of my clients are concerned with and have questions about. If you are intrigued – this post is for you!

Hundreds of millions of people are concerned with their weight, so if this is you, please don’t feel alone.

Often times it’s about more than just the weight – maybe you aren’t feeling your best, you would like to increase your sex drive, you’re in pain, your energy fluctuates by the hour, etc. Eating nutritious foods, and being physically active can help improve your well-being and reduce your risks of developing conditions.

But as you know, there is so much more to the old adage: eat less, move more. 

Weight loss is very challenging for many reasons: 

  • There is an abundance of food available around most of us 24/7 (our ancestors did not have this issue..)
  • Eating isn’t just something we do for sustenance; it’s gratification, a social activity, and sometimes even a reward 
  • Our food system doesn’t have our health in mind, most of the large companies are just seeking ways to make the greatest profit.
  • Computers and cars, etc. have contributed to a much more sedentary lifestyle—we don’t all need to be physically active farmers to survive anymore 
  • Reducing calories voluntarily is really, really hard; it’s a huge challenge to change habits 
  • Many diets work in the short term, but fail later on because they’re simply unsustainable 
  • After losing weight, maintaining weight loss is extremely difficult (and this is particularly true for women after menopause)

Today, let’s go over some strategies to overcome the challenges and set you on the path that is right for you.

What is metabolism and how can I lose weight?

Your weight is based on several factors, some are controllable and others are not. For example, your genetics and family history can impact your weight, but there’s not too much you can do to significantly change those.

On the other hand, what you eat, the medications you’re taking, the amount of stress you’re under, and how much sleep and physical activity you get also contribute to weight, and are a bit more controllable (albeit not completely controllable). 

Even at rest you are burning calories.

Here’s where metabolism fits with weight. There are so many things that your body does at rest: breathing, pumping blood, adjusting hormone levels, maintaining your body temperature, and growing and repairing cells.

The amount of energy (calories) your body uses to perform these essential functions is called your “basal metabolic rate.” Overall, your basal metabolic rate (BMR), or metabolism, accounts for about two-thirds of the calories your body burns each and every day. 

Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. During this complex process, calories in food and beverages are combined with oxygen to release the energy your body needs to function,” according to the Mayo Clinic. 

Your metabolism is influenced mostly by your body size and composition. This means that people who are bigger and/or have heavier bones and more muscle mass burn more calories at rest.

Because men tend to be bigger and have more muscle, they naturally tend to have a higher metabolism than women. This also goes for younger people. Because bone and muscle mass naturally tend to decrease with age, if you don’t take steps to maintain bone and muscle mass, your metabolism likely will decrease which results in increased weight. 

Increasing muscle mass and maintaining healthy bones can boost your metabolism.

Certain medical conditions can also affect your metabolism. For example the hormonal conditions of Cushing’s syndrome, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), or hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) can slow your metabolism down. These conditions often come with a range of other symptoms beyond just weight gain. If you suspect that you have an underlying medical condition, don’t hesitate to speak with your doctor or healthcare professional about tests to confirm these diagnoses. 

A slow metabolism may be one factor that influences your weight, but it’s not the only one.

Hormones also play a role in your weight. In the case of a hormonal imbalance, it will impede your weight loss or cause weight gain. Adopting an integrative wellness plan and addressing lifestyle factors such as sleep and stress is the key to success.

The TYPE of food you eat matters too. It’s not just about how many calories you consume and how many you burn in a given day. To learn more about this and balancing blood sugar, check out my post on carbohydrates.


Before you start a health program, be sure to speak with your healthcare provider. Some wellness products or programs, ESPECIALLY those advertised to help you lose weight, can be harmful depending on your current state of health and goals.

Be particularly wary of products or programs that promise quick, long-lasting, or effortless weight loss. They may be quick, but in my experience, they are never long-lasting or effortless.

Your behaviors and habits have a huge influence on your health and you are empowered to adjust them as you see fit. It will take time and it won’t be easy, but this is how you experience LASTING results.

If this interests you, check out my Monthly Health Subscription.

Here are my top six strategies for improving your health: 

1 – Set specific, realistic, forgiving goals 
  • Instead of a goal to “lose weight,” try smaller and more specific goals that you can attain. 
  • Daily or weekly goals can be, for example, to have 2 plant-based days/week, stop snacking after dinner, or walk at least 30 minutes a day for at least 5 days a week. 
  • Try to stick with a new habit for at least a week or two to start making it routine. Then when one habit becomes consistent, add another one. 
  • Remember, it’s not uncommon to take 6 months to lose 5% of your body weight, so that may be a more realistic goal to aim for. 
2 – Ditch the “diet” mentality and focus on making lasting improvements for sustainable health 
  • Focus on improving your food choices for overall health, rather than “dieting” for weight loss. 
  • View food for the VALUE it provides you. Food is fuel.
  • Enjoy lots of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Seek a diversity of color in every dish.
  • Focus on healthy fats such as olive oil, olives, nut butters, avocado oil, and avocados. 
3 – Try eating a different way and see what works for you (practice intuitive eating)
  • Take a brief moment – about 20 breaths – before digging in to a meal to give your body time to shift into a digestive state.
  • Ideally, each meal should take at least 20 minutes to eat, so eat slower. Enjoy your food more and listen for fullness cues that subtly signal when you’re getting satisfied and it’s time to stop eating.  
  • Chew your food well. This makes it easier for the rest of your digestive system to breakdown your food. The action of chewing also releases PYY (peptide tyrosine tyrosine), a hormone involved in regulating appetite.
  • Eat more mindfully by focusing on and enjoying what you’re eating while you’re eating it. Pay attention to your food’s smell, taste, and texture as you’re eating it. 
  • Try putting your fork down between and/or engaging your table in conversation.
  • If you have a habit of snacking in front of the TV or computer screen, try getting used to replacing that with a glass of water or tea instead. 
4 – Incorporate movement into your daily routine (guess what – it doesn’t have to be aerobic!)
  • Boost your activity; move for at least 30 minutes per day (even three 10 minute sessions will help).
  • Aerobic activity (e.g., walking, bicycling, etc.) is the most efficient way to burn calories. 
  • Weight training (e.g., using weights or pushing your body against gravity) builds your muscles which increases your metabolic rate; ideally you’d include at least two weight training sessions per week. 
  • Don’t forget you don’t have to do “exercise” to be physically active, you can take the stairs more often, park further away, walk a bit faster, or do housework or gardening—they all count toward your physical activity. 
  • Remember that any physical activity is better for your health than none.
  • Just like we talk about with food, view exercise and movement for the VALUE it brings to you. 
5 – Reward your successes frequently
  • According to the National Institutes of Health, “frequent small rewards, earned for meeting smaller goals, are more effective than bigger rewards that require a long, difficult effort.” 
  • Each time you reach a goal, however small, reward your success with a non-food activity or item
  • For example, you may want to buy yourself that book, movie, music, or game that you’ve wanted for a while. Or re-read, re-watch, or re-listen to an old favorite. 
  • Perhaps you can put a small amount of money away to save up for a larger reward for a long-term goal. It’s good to have a combination of BIG goals and small goals. 
  • Rewards don’t have to be monetary. You can take some time for yourself like have a bath, do your nails, or enjoy a craft or hobby you love (or try a new one). 
6 – Persevere 
  • Losing weight is a challenge and most people have to keep trying before they find a way that works for them.  
  • Every day is a new day. If you go off track, get back on track and try again. 
  • Don’t give up. Everyone who loses weight will plateau at a certain point. When you start to lose weight, your body is breaking down glycogen stores to utilize as energy. When glycogen breaks down some water is released as well; you may have heard this referred to as ‘water weight’. Once these glycogen stores
  • Your weight plateau may be your ideal weight.
  • Stay on course – eating healthy is about more than just getting to the right weight. Continue to eat well for energy, sleep, mood, etc. Find something that motivates you that ISN’T related to that scale.
Living a healthy life doesn’t mean depriving yourself. Don’t lose sight of the things that bring you joy in pursuit of that ‘perfect number’.

Final thoughts

While weight is but one (small, in my opinion) measure of health, it is a big concern for many people. Losing weight is not easy. Your metabolism is influenced by many different factors—some you can’t control (e.g., your genes) and others you can (e.g., what and how you eat). 

The fundamentals of weight loss include enjoying healthier, nutritious foods more often and being more physically active, but there are so many approaches that help you make this happen for you.

The way you approach dieting and eating, the way you set your goals and reward yourself, and the way you persevere are all totally customizable so you can try and see what works for you. 

If you are looking for a nutritious approach to metabolism and your weight, I can help. You can book a free 15-minute chat with me here, or check out my monthly health subscription.

Remember that you are deserving and worthy of a healthy lifestyle.


Harvard Health. (2018, May). Burning calories without exercise. 

Harvard Health. (2018, July). Small tricks to help you shed pounds and keep them off. Retrieved from 

Harvard Health. (2019, March 19). The lowdown on thyroid slowdown. Retrieved from 

Harvard Health. (2019, November 20). Building simple habits for healthy weight loss. Retrieved from 

Mayo Clinic Healthy Lifestyle. (2019, February 21). Is a slow metabolism the reason I’m overweight? Retrieved from 

Mayo Clinic Healthy Lifestyle. (2019, February 21). Can I boost my metabolism to lose weight? Retrieved from 

Mayo Clinic Healthy Lifestyle. (2020, November 10). Metabolism and weight loss: How you burn calories. Retrieved from 

NIH Intramural Research Program. (2020, Dec 8). Attempting Weight Loss Linked to Reduced Risk of Death. Retrieved from 

NIH National Center for Complementary and Integrative Healthy. (2017, September). Weight Control. Retrieved from 

NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (n.d.). Aim for a healthy weight. Retrieved from 

NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (n.d.). Guide to Behavior Change. Retrieved from